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Dawn Bain (pictured below) made this lovely quilt for us to auction off at Houndraiser Live Auction, on October 17th.   These pictures were taken with plastic over the quilt so it is a little distracting but you should be able to tell just how unique and beautiful this quilt really is!   Come to Houndraiser and bid on our Hounds of GPI Quilt.  The hounds on the auction quilt consist of Gage, Frannie, Stormie, Dixie, Amy, and Jet.

Back to the event.
Go see our raffle quilt and buy tickets online!


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Dawn Bain, the quilt artist

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Here is Dixie, Marchet Anschell's angel.
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Gage, owned by ???
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Amy, who belongs to Alice Williams
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Frannie rooing.  Of course, she lives with the Stranixs.
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It's difficult to see this running shot of Stormie, who belongs to Bob and Yumi Burnett
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Paw pattern
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